The Poetic Imaginarium
Wendy Videlock
The Poetic Imaginarium: A Worthy Difficulty
ISBN 978-1-946583-25-3
Widely acclaimed for her poetry, this new collection finds Wendy Videlock flexing her creative and intellectual muscles as she adds critical essay, review, and memoir, along with original artwork, to her poems that remain strong, vivid and wonder-filled as ever. Videlock calls the collection a prosimetrum, or haibun, that employs a combination of prose and verse with which she probes her entry into the power of language and pays homage to writers she holds in high regard, Paula Tatarunis, Belle Turnbull... and she shouts out to thinkers she thinks about, Jung, Pinsky, Stevens, Anais Nin, Wendell Berry, R. Nemo Hill, Annie Dillard... There's a deep steady current throughout the collection with sudden jarrings in unexpected moments where wisdom drops especially in her poems where so much takes place between the lines. Read this book. Do thy best. Pass it on.
Poetry. Essay. Hybrid.
Tags: Lithic Press, , Colorado, wendy videlock, The Poetic Imaginarium, Palisade